Avenida Playa Serena 210
Roquetas de Mar, Almeria 04740
ph: 950 333 878
fax: 950 333 878
Some important points on our service:
If you are buying property:
-We will organize mortages with a local bank (in Pounds Sterling or other currency) for the property you are buying, free of charge.
-We can do a search at the Land Registry of Properties before signing the deeds ("Escrituras")
-We can put you in touch with local English speaking solicitors
-We can organize any repairs needed after the purchase with local workers, some of them English speaking
-We can translate if you have problems at the local shops, buying furniture, tiles, etc... for your property
-We will give you advice about how to rent property out of Spain
-We can hold a set of keys to your property while you are away
-We can prepare to sign the deeds in front of the notary (get appointment, take documentation to the Notary's office, check information for signing, present search from the Land Registry), if you have no solicitor
-We will go with you to the notary´s office to help with the completion (even if your solicitor is there)
-We will translate free of charge in front of the notary, if needed
-We can change the name or/and the standing order for all the services related to the property, i.e.: Community of owners, electricity board, water board, rubbish collection, local tax,...)
-If there are any problems with the standing orders, we will do them again for you, of course still free of any charge, until they do work
-If you have any problems, especially with the language, you can always ask us
We will only charge you for:
-Renting your property out after the purchase (this service we provide with properties we have sold)
-Having your property on security visits, at least once every 15 days, if it is not occupied. (This we provide for a very reasonable price: 120€ per annum + tax)
-Paying the legal fees on your behalf and do the running around for registering your property into the Land registry
-Reselling your property
Copyright 2009 Zurimar. All rights reserved.
Avenida Playa Serena 210
Roquetas de Mar, Almeria 04740
ph: 950 333 878
fax: 950 333 878